Monday, August 17, 2009

Look, why the hell are you doing this?

Right, I’ve decided to keep an online diary of my daily struggles, successes and thoughts for the future. I’ll endeavour to keep it as succinct as possible, and in the interests of health and safety, please be careful not to trip over the sarcasm you’re bound to encounter from time to time, and that is often misconstrued as me being a miserable, intense individual, instead of the black humour intended.

Why write online?

I find it relaxing to write; if I want to explain how I feel on such and such a day, I can just forward my blog to whoever; sometimes it's good to air your laundry in public, albeit anonymously; maybe the experience will be therapeutic.

And anyway, there’s not much point hiding my thoughts away in some dust-covered diary that’ll never be read! I’m hoping my ramblings will interest someone out there in cyberspace, strike a chord with a faceless individual in a similar situation, or even just kill a few idle moments while your waiting to be put through to whoever (don’t you just love automated answering machines?).

To be continued…………………………….

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